CMV stands for Cytomegalovirus. It is a common virus which is usually harmless and infects people of all ages. It is also often transmitted to children before birth. Once it enters into your body, it stays in your body for the rest of your life in a dormant state. Most of the people infected with CMV show no symptoms. It can be diagnosed through blood tests. CMV has a double-stranded DNA and it belongs to the Herpesviridae family.
It generally spreads through close contact with a person infected with CMV. The infected person can spread it through body fluids like saliva, urine, blood, semen etc. So, avoid glass, utensils or other objects touched or used by an infected person. A healthy person with good immunity does not require any medical treatment for CMV infection. Usually the people who have weak immunity may need medical treatment for CMV infection.
People with CMV infection rarely show any symptom. However, some people may experience mild illness in the beginning that may include: